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Piercing the Corporate Veil in Florida: Essential Elements and Common Factors

October 3, 2017 Professional Services Industry Legal Blog

For various reasons, a corporation’s limited liability shield for its shareholders is one of the corporation’s most valuable assets. Unfortunately, some individuals may abuse the corporate form’s limited liability status by using it to mislead or defraud creditors. As a result, courts will occasionally disregard a corporation’s limited liability protection […]

Is the LLC Right for Your New Business?: Pros and Cons of Structuring Your Business as a Limited Liability Company

April 25, 2017 Professional Services Industry Legal Blog

You have created your business plan and now you are ready to put your plan into motion and start your own company. The next step is to consider which business structure suits your business. A business can be structured as a sole-proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, corporation, S-corporation, or a limited liability company. The limited liability company structure boasts many advantages, but also brings with it some disadvantages to consider.

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Jimerson Birr